Video chat hookups can be a totally fun experience with someone you're dating if you do it right. That's the number one rule of Skype sex: It's for both of you.

So if one of you climaxes before the other, make sure that you keep going until both of you finish.

That means that it should replicate actual sex as closely as possible and work to foster closeness and intimacy between you as a couple while you're away from one another. Skype sex is a way to keep the physical aspect of your relationship alive while you're doing things long-distance. When engaging in video-chat sex, it's important that both you and your partner orgasm, otherwise, you're just watching someone masturbate on camera, and there's porn for that. Because you gotta keep the romance alive in your relationship, right? 1. So here are five tips for having hot Skype sex with your partner in a long-distance relationship. In fact, it's a pretty important factor in staying attracted to your partner when you can't actually see them IRL. However, it can also be super fun and absolutely beneficial for your long-distance relationship, if you do it right. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to online sex. What are you supposed to say? Is talking dirty too much? And what do you wear? Do I just sit down naked at the computer and surprise my BF? Do I masturbate, or do I use a toy? What do I do if my partner finishes before I do? What happens if your roommate walks into the room? (This happened to me once, and I broke my lease and moved out.) Listen, video-chat sex can be awkward and embarrassing. We had no clue how to have Skype sex correctly, and we made a ton of mistakes that made us both want to throw our computers into the ocean. And my ex-boyfriend and I did it entirely wrong. I was in a long-distance relationship my freshman year of college that consisted mostly of video-chat sex.