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To remove a Drive album from Google, open the album in Google, click the drop-down next to "Share" and then click "remove album" (the album will only be removed from Google+, not from Google Drive). To enable or disable this feature, you can go to the Google+ settings page, find the Photos section and check or uncheck "Show Drive photos in your photo library". Only you will be able to see them in your library until you choose to share them." explains Google. After you enable the feature, folders containing JPG, GIF, WebP, RAW or video files will be viewable from your Google+ photo library and each Drive folder will become a different album marked with the Google Drive icon. Scroll to the bottom and hit Next to continue. Navigate to the three-dotted icon on the top-right corner. Now, select the images you want to download. To select multiple images, tap and hold on to an image file. Optionally, you can choose the export format, and even which albums to include. Switch to the Files tab and navigate to the folder you want to download. Its easiest to tap the blue Deselect all button near the top, and then scroll down and only select Google Photos. Check the box next to Export Google Photos. If you have Auto Awesome or Auto Enhance turned on, then those features will be applied to your photo album but your original drive files will remain intact. Log in to your Google Account if you havent already. Only you will be able to see them in your library until you choose to share them. "If you store photos in your Google Drive, you can also choose to view each folder as an album in Google+.